The Unknown

Does stepping into an unknown excite you or paralyze you? Think about pivoting your business, posting content on social media for the first time, or working with a new client. It can get pretty scary and sometimes it stops us from even trying. My friend and fellow Bootcamp Coach, Nick, shared a good perspective on why it’s always worth it to take a chance:

Just had a catchup chat with a mate from marketing college. As usual the conversation got strategic coz I can’t help myself, and he said at the end that we was delighted to have such a valuable conversation instead of just talking sh*t. Which was nice. But anyway, here are some little nuggets that he came out with that I wanted to share with you:

‘Everybody has a different history and situation, but if I didn’t go through all the struggles and bad decisions, I wouldn’t be so resilient now. Pressure is what shapes you.’

’That said, if I knew then what I know now, I might have been more decisive with my goals, to write them down and make them concrete, to give myself structure. Because when we don’t know where we’re going and we don’t know what’s around the corner it’s easy to slip into survival or panic mode and get stuck on ‘now’.

At the same time, if we balance that solid sense of our goals with optimism, then we can get excited about the unknowns around the corner. And even if we end up struggling, that’s what shapes you. That experience counts.

So make a decision and create a path.

I like what he had to say. How about you?

Yes, how about you?



PS: If you’re interested to checkout our Brand Strategy Bootcamp, you can read all about it here!

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About the author:

Melinda Livsey is a brand strategist, online educator and co-host on the Futur. Find her hanging out on Instagram and say hello!