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Emails and kind words about one on one coaching:
“The client loved the strategy doc. He says he feels like I really GET him. He says even his business coach doesnt get him as much as I do. WOW!!”
“Hi Melinda!
Thanks so much for following up! Despite a night of anxiety dreams and broken sleep, I woke up ready to smash it. And wow, it went absolutely beautifully! It was so much fun to do, and it felt great being seen as a leader instead of an order-taker.
My clients have been telling me how much they loved the session. We had a blast! They treated me to dinner after and gushed some more about the session. And they sent me a message today saying I did a great job. And yes, I was completely spent by the end of the day – falling right onto my hotel bed – but BOY did it feel great. I thought of you right after and was excited to tell you and was delighted to see an email from you. I was hoping you remembered!
You are SO right that I just needed to get this 1st one under the belt to gain confidence. Now I feel I can run another one and know that I’ll just improve with each time. And I have an opportunity to do that, because I have another session with another client booked for next Wednesday in Fresno!
Thank you *so much* for guiding me and being in my corner, Melinda! I felt stronger knowing you had my back. I hope you’re having a great day!
Happy high fives,”