Brand Strategy 101

Lesson 3: The Structure of Brand Strategy

When your client says “I just need a logo…”
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Take Action

3 day workshop, 3 hour sprint, or a conversation over coffee: all that really matters is that you're asking useful questions to help the client get where they're going. Here are 4 questions that can turn your next phone call into a strategy session:

  1. Who are you?

    What makes the client who they are? Why are they in business? What is distinct to them that might connect with customers?

  2. Who needs to know?

    Who is the client's superfan? Who's going to buy all their products, answer all their questions and tell all their friends?

  3. Why should they care?

    What problem is the client solving? How are they making the customer's life better?

  4. How will they find out?

    How might the client get noticed in the first place and then keep the attention of their superfans?


What was most useful for you in this lesson?

Stay tuned for Lesson 4 in your inbox tomorrow!


Lesson 1: The Value of Strategy
Watch now!

Lesson 4: The Value of You

Lesson 2: The Strategist Mindset
Watch now!

Lesson 5: The Expert Trap

Lesson 3: The Structure of Strategy
Watch now!

Lesson 6: Practice Beats Perfect